Saturday, June 8, 2013


I have always given.  From donating blood to artwork or handing a few dollars to a homeless person, I always try to help. I never really put thought into why I do these things; they just always seem like the right things to do.  Now for the first time in my life I am at a point where I need help.  The wonderful part is, I have been receiving it without having to ask for it.

Since the day I went to the hospital, friends and family have been showing up with food, gift cards, books, an iPod docking station, cash and an endless supply of positive support.

Card that my good friends at AFM put together
for their Wonderfest fundraiser. 

Every May for the past 15 years I have traveled to Wonderfest, a figure modeling convention.  In that time I have made some great friends, customers and colleagues.  Due to my current health issue I was not able to attend this year.  Much to my surprise some amazing friends put their resources together and raised cash donations for us.

This experience has been humbling; leaving me amazed at all the kindness.  Next time I give, I will have a better understanding of what a big difference a little generosity can make.
Thank you.



  1. You are in effect giving again by creating this blog and keeping all of your friends and family informed. It's a crazy twisted thing that the "patient" often ends up having to comfort and care for all of the needy non-patients in his/her life! Thank you both for doing it. And it just so happens you can BOTH write too? Jeez . . . .

  2. always make me smile. Thank you! Rhonda

    With all the receiving we are doing, I am glad to give back as well. Hoping something on here can be of use to others who end up in my situation. Love you! Dan

  3. Oh my GOD. I just read the details of your diet update in the latest piece. Wow. What a challenge. Great news on this end though: Mike and I just received a fresh batch of those extra healing, anti-emetic, anti-oxidant, erythropoietic kittens I was telling you about . . . and each one is an adorable 0 calorie treat! Well, unless you choose to eat them. Even then, I think they would qualify as low-carb. Delivery, as always, is FREE.

    [Worth a shot].

    Love you both too. Thanks for the news!

  4. Yes, kittens are approved as part of the Keto diet. However, I prefer to only eat farm animals and seafood.

